you must not get too deep in debt 意味

  • あまり借金の深みにはまりすぎるなよ


        get too heavily in debt:    借金で首が回らなくなる
        in too deep to get out:    《be ~》手を引くには深く関わり過ぎた
        if you must:     if you múst 君がどうしてもと言い張るのなら(仕方がない).
        you, too:     You(,) tóo. ((略式))(相手の発言に同調して)君も《◆堅い言い方では(The) same to you.という;cf.?Me(,)too .》 “Have a nice holiday.”“Y~ too.”「よい休日を」「君もね」.
        as you must have heard:    お聞き及びのとおり
        if you must know:     if you múst knòw ()((略式))(そんなに)知りたいのなら教えてあげるが(cf.?if 1a).
        must beg of you:    どうしても[失礼{しつれい}は承知{しょうち}の上で]お願いしたい、切実{せつじつ}なお願いです I must beg of you. どうかここは一つ。/このとおり。◆日本語で頭を下げながら言う「このとおりお願いします」
        deep in debt:    借金で火の車、借金で首がまわらない、借金で動きがとれない
        too deep for:    ~には難し過ぎる
        i must love you and leave you:     I mùst lóve you and léave you. ((略式))もうおいとましなくては.
        finally i must thank you for:    末筆{まっぴつ}ながら~に対しお礼を申し上げます
        must get souvenir:    
        must-get souvenir:    絶対{ぜったい}に[ぜひとも]手に入れたい[持ち帰りたい]土産物{みやげもの}
        get in debt:    借金{しゃっきん}する、借金{しゃっきん}を作る
        get into debt:    借金する、借金を作る、借金漬けになる


  1. "you must not count his inexperience against him" 意味
  2. "you must not count upon me" 意味
  3. "you must not dignify his charges by replying to them" 意味
  4. "you must not drink on the job" 意味
  5. "you must not exceed your functions" 意味
  6. "you must not go beyond the rate quoted" 意味
  7. "you must not leave your bicycles where they will get in the way of pedestrians" 意味
  8. "you must not make any more trouble for your teacher" 意味
  9. "you must not take him at his word" 意味
  10. "you must not drink on the job" 意味
  11. "you must not exceed your functions" 意味
  12. "you must not go beyond the rate quoted" 意味
  13. "you must not leave your bicycles where they will get in the way of pedestrians" 意味

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